One of the most challenging joint connections is the roof to wall connection. Learn how to make this transition continuous with these 5 steps.
One of the most challenging joint connections on the building enclosure is the roof to wall. In fact, callbacks related to leaky roofs may not be a problem with the roof at all. Oftentimes the culprit is the connection between the roof and the wall.
Air will find any way it can to travel through a building, but two conditions are needed for air to leak. First, there must be a gap, crack or opening from one side of the envelope to the other. Second, there must be an air pressure differential which may be caused by wind, stack effect and the HVAC system. The taller the structure, the greater the impact.
The air barrier system should provide an unbroken line of defense at this critical connection and should include high-performance air barrier membrane, sealants and transition products that have been formulated and tested for adhesion and compatibility.
Varying climates make the roof-to-wall connection even more difficult. While there are industry guidelines for common roof systems and wall types, there are variances in the standard conditions, materials, and practices used within the seven different climate zones in the United States. Work with the manufacturer’s local technical representative for advice and best practices in your region.
Construct a roof-to-wall assembly mock-up and test it in accordance with ASTM E2357 and ASTM E331 to evaluate for resistance to air leakage and wind-driven rain. E2357 simulates real world conditions by creating various uniform levels of sustained wind loads, cyclic wind loads and gust wind loads up to 1200 Pa (100 mph; 25.06 psf) at both positive and negative air pressure differentials across the entire wall assembly. E331 goes farther, testing for resistance to water penetration with water applied at a rate of 5.0 U.S. gal/ft²-h using a calibrated spray apparatus while simultaneously applying uniform static pressure to opposite sides of the assembly. The results of these tests will validate air barrier system performance and help identify any potential issues that need to be addressed in advance.
Building and testing the mock-up has the added benefit of helping you validate your planned sequence of installation. Document these steps to simplify the process for your installers and prevent confusion on the jobsite. Be clear in specifications and project documents about who is responsible for making the connection between the roof air barrier and the wall air barrier, parapets, and junctions at low level soffits as well as all connections between assemblies.
Involve the air barrier system manufacturer’s technical representatives at the design and pre-construction phases to make sure the right products and solutions are selected for the roof-to-wall connection. And since product performance is impacted by the quality of the installation, choose a supplier who will provide training, as well as guidance on the job-site as needed throughout the installation.