By checking for proper application and sealant compatibility in the field adhesion test, you eliminate costly rework on your waterproofing job.
On the construction site, there is nothing worse than having to duplicate work due to a mistake somewhere in the application process. Thankfully, the easy-to-conduct field adhesion test allows you to verify the installed quality of a joint seal before it is too late. Performing this test prior to the full application allows for early detection of problems, which can help to minimize the cost associated with sealant restoration projects.
Potential pitfalls that could be detected using this field adhesion test include:
We recommend that one adhesion test be performed every 100' (31 m) of joint over the first 1,000' (305 m) of install sealant as soon as the sealant has fully cured. The field adhesion test procedures, according to ASTM C1521 Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants, are as follows:
If good results are obtained from the tests of the first 1,000' (305 m), future field adhesion testing should proceed at a lesser rate of:
If poor results are obtained in a field adhesion test, work should be stopped to verify the root cause and magnitude of the problem. Once the cause of the problem is identified, corrective measures can be implemented. The area yielding the poor results should be identified by additional, more frequent field adhesion tests in the affected area(s). The daily log should be analyzed to see if there is anything unique about the poor results area. Good results are defined as meeting the standards for adhesion and joint configuration established in the mock-up application.
The field adhesion test is a destructive test that should be repaired immediately. This will help to maintain the weatherproofing integrity of the repaired area. In most cases, it is simply a matter of gunning in new sealant to replace the cut area. Ensure that the original sealant surfaces are clean and that the new sealant fully wets out all contact areas.
For more information on sealant restoration, download our Restoration Guide.