Churchill Downs

Churchill Downs, the world’s most legendary racetrack, has conducted thoroughbred racing and presented America’s greatest race, the Kentucky Derby, continuously since 1875.


Hosting 750,000 visitors each year, the Churchill Downs restoration required that all caulking done on the terraces overlooking the racetrack had to withstand extensive movement as well as retain the stunning revitalized look despite the high traffic. 


Spectrem 4-TS Field-Tintable Silicone Sealant provided all the performance required and offered a standard color which would perfectly match the traffic coating being used on the job.

Being field-tintable, Spectrem 4-TS also gave Martin & McDonald the freedom to mix just the amount needed on-site and blend as necessary to meet the exacting requirements of the architect for the appearance of a mortar joint. 

With a variety of control joints between dissimilar materials, a product was needed that could provide superior adhesion between not only brick to brick, but brick to EIFS and EIFS to mortar. Spectrem 3 Silicone Sealant and Spectrem 4-TS, both formulated with Tremco’s proprietary Advanced Silicone Technology (AST™), are ideally suited for the porous substrates as well as materials having a high coefficient of linear expansion such as EIFS and they last for decades. The AST formulation also ensures that they are easy to work with, tooling joints is faster, the finish is superior and the color is retained dirt-free for years to come.