500 Pacific Avenue High Rise

After a baseball-sized stone fell to the sidewalk from an exterior wall of this office building in Bremerton, Washington, the owners took immediate action.


Originally constructed in 1965, the façade of the 75-foot tall structure used concrete panels with embedded granite stones. Fast forward fifty years and the structure faced substantial weathering and water damage, which led to mold growth, corrosion of the balconies and failure of the decorative exterior. After a baseball-sized stone fell to the sidewalk from an exterior wall of this Class A office building, the owners took immediate action to protect occupants and passersby.


The restoration began in February 2018 and encompassed the removal and replacement of the windows and deck railings, significant concrete repairs, a new waterproof deck coating, and the over clad with panelized EIFS for the façade. Building material manufacturers, Dryvit, Euclid Chemical and Tremco Commercial Sealants & Waterproofing, provided the necessary products that were compatible together to make this restoration project a success. 

Tremco’s Vulkem® EWS Pedestrian Coating System with PUMA technology was specified for the balconies and Spectrem® 1 Silicone Sealant was installed for the joints between the Dryvit panels.

Read the full case study