Horizon Foundation Finishing System

Foundation Waterproofing

The Horizon Foundation Finishing System brings new levels of moisture and insulation protection to a formerly neglected area of foundation - from grade line to sill plate. Horizon combines principles of barrier science, aesthetic design and rugged durability like no other above-grade foundation product.

There are two options of Horizon Finishing Systems:

  1. Horizon Coating System - a two-part barrier system that starts with proven below-grade foundation waterproofing protection and completed with your choice of highly durable Horizon Coarse Coat or Horizon Matte Coat from the grade-line to the sill plate. Read our data sheet for more information.
  2. Horizon Insulated System - a three-part barrier system that starts with TUFF-N-DRI Basement Waterproofing System on the exterior foundation wall, providing an uninterrupted moisture barrier that protects from the footing to the sill plate. Read our data sheet for more information.